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In a continuously changing product environment color plays a critical role in differentiating superior products from the rest. When it comes to natural colors beverage applications can become challenging if the right solutions are not used. ROHA’s vast portfolio of natural colors, under Natracol Brand, are design to excel in the most challenging beverage formulations and provide value added solutions to any customer’s needs.

Natural Food Colors for Still Beverages

Achieving vibrant shades in still beverages and flavored water is challenging. Our Natracol range of natural food colors sourced from a variety of natural sources such as fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers, etc. has an array of shades for all your food color requirements for still beverages.

Natural food colors for carbonated soft drinks

Give your carbonated soft drinks a brilliant and fresh look with ROHA’s natural food color range, Natracol. Our natural food color solutions are in a stable form that you can add to beverages without compromising on their freshness. It offers a variety of shades with product standardization for frizzy and bubbly drinks.

Natural Food Colors For Juice Based Beverages

The quality of all foods is perceived through their appearance, a major part of which is the color. But sometimes, fruit & vegetable juices, smoothies, and beverages often oxidize to give a brown color to the product. Adding Natracol‘s natural color range to juice-based beverages can enhance the shade and appearance of these products, emphasizing safety and quality.

Natural Colors for Sports Drinks and Fortified Beverages

ROHA’s natural food color range, Natracol provides high-quality natural color solutions to sports drinks and fortified beverage manufacturers around the globe. Color pigments generally interact with vitamins and mineral ions present in sports drinks and fortified beverages. ROHA’s Natracol range provides high performance in these matrices. 

Natural food colors for Powdered Beverages

For powdered beverage applications, powdered colors are plated on the base ingredients. The most challenging part here is matching shade in the base application and reconstituted beverage. The Natracol range has a number of shades available in water-soluble powdered forms which easily plate as well as dissolve in the suitable matrix. Our scientists at Roha can also innovate the exact shade you wish for your product line.

Natural Colors for Alcoholic Beverages

ROHA offers natural colors under the Natracol range to suit alcoholic beverages with varying ABV (Alcohol by volume) percentage. We have a wide range of caramel colors as well Burnt Sugar options that give a wide range of dark-red to brown colors. ROHA also offers vegetable-based anthocyanins that are more suitable and stable in alcoholic beverages compared to fruit-based anthocyanins. Our technical team consists of scientists to formulate custom blends that are in the required ABV percent alcoholic beverage.


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