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Gummies have a long, cherished history as a confectionary. They first emerged in the shops of Fryers of Lancashire in 1864. During this time, they were made mostly of corn syrup, sucrose, gelatin, starch and water. They also included minor amounts of coloring and flavoring agents. Nowadays, increasingly, other gelling agents are used in place of gelatin to make gummy candies such as starch and pectin.

Market for gummies getting bigger

The new impetus from the VMS (vitamin minerals supplements) market has given this adorable candy format a whole new lease on life. For improving immunity, aiding convalescence and stress relief, gummies as supplements are finding acceptance among not just children but adults, too. The connotation of gummies as a fun food is a huge plus point when compared to a traditional capsule, powder and pill forms that supplements have previously been associated with.

According to the Mintel report, when it comes to supplements, gummies are quickly becoming the preferred format among younger demographics in the US (aged 18-35). The report also speculates that this trend might further spur on the development of other formats like chewing gum and snack bars.

Challenges for gummy manufacturers

However, a significant challenge faced by manufacturers of gummies is shelf-stability. ROHA has worked on color solutions for both pectin-based and gelatin-based gummies that aren’t just brilliant and complement an array of flavors, but also stay stable for longer. Whether it be gumdrops, jelly beans, rings, worms or the most popular gummy bears, our team is highly experienced to work hand in hand with the client to formulate the perfect color solution based on the ingredients and the benefits of the supplement.

ROHA’s solutions for gummies

Beta Carotene – Gives yellow to orange shades: The Carotenes can be found in various edible vegetable sources. Mixed Carotenes can be extracted from the fruits of the palm oil tree (Elaeisguineensis) (E160a(ii)) or from the algae Dunaliellasalina (E160a(iv)). This group also includes Beta Carotenes obtained by synthesis (E160a(i)) or by fermentation from Blakesleatrispora (E160a(iii)). All types of Carotenes display Pro-Vitamin A activity. Carotenes/ Beta Carotenes are generally available in yellow to yellow/ orange shade but shades giving orange or red are also available. They offer excellent light, heat and pH stability.

Annatto – Gives yellow to orange shades: Annatto is extracted from the seeds of the Bixaorellana L. shrub grown in South America, Africa, and the Caribbean. The main pigments are the water-soluble norbixin and the oil-soluble bixin, producing color ranges from light yellow to orange. Annatto has good stability towards light and heat.

Curcumin – Gives yellow to orange shades: Turmeric is extracted from the spice Curcuma longa L., a member of the ginger family. The root plant is native to India and is widely used to spice and color food. In addition to its coloring characteristics, Turmeric also displays antioxidant properties. Turmeric has a bright yellow to greenish-yellow hue and is very tolerant of heat and pH extremes.

Paprika – Gives orange shades: Paprika is extracted from the Red Pepper Capsicum annum L. Paprika naturally gives a reddish-orange hue, with the major pigments extracted being the oil-soluble Carotenoids, Capsanthin and Capsorubin.

Beetroot – Gives red to pink shades: Beetroot Red is obtained by extracting the juice of Beetroots (Beta vulgaris L.). Beetroot Red gives a bright red to bluish-red color.

Anthocyanins – Gives red to purple shades: Over 300 different types of Anthocyanins naturally occur. They are extracted from fruits & vegetables such as Grapes, Black Carrots, Red Cabbage etc. They mainly give red to blue color shades. They are natural pH indicators, changing from a strawberry red at pH 3 to a deeper blue/red as the pH increases. They are rich in source of polyphenols and hence linked to health benefits.

For more information on ROHA’s range of natural, synthetic and clean label color solutions for gummies and jelly sweets, please reach out to.


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