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Hard candies are seeking attention as the nutraceutical industry blooms. Low pH and high-temperature processing conditions required for hard candy make color application difficult. Our Idacol range of synthetic food color provides varied pH and heat stable options to overcome this challenge. With an experienced team of experts cued in to the latest food trends around the world, ROHA has a solution for every idea and need.
Idacol Allura Red
Allura Red AC is a red dye. It gives an appearance of red to Orangish red shade…
Idacol Amaranth
Amaranth is a dark red to purple dye which is water soluble food color…
Idacol Black PN
Black PN is a Purpulish black dye which is soluble in water…
Idacol Brilliant Blue FCF
Brilliant Blue gives an appearance of blue shade in…
Idacol Brown HT
Brown HT also called Chocolate Brown HT. It gives a dark brown…
Idacol Carmoisine
Carmoisine is a red food dye. It gives an appearance of red to maroon shade in the…
Idacol Erythrosine
Erythrosine primarily used as a food color. It gives an appearance of pink…
Idacol Green - S
Green- S gives an appearance of reddish green shade in the applications…
Idacol Fast Green FCF
Fast Green FCF is a sea green triarylmethane food dye. It is a brilliant shade and…
Idacol Patent Blue V
Patent Blue V is a dark bluish dye used as a food color. It gives an appearance…
Idacol Indigo Carmine
Indigo carmine also known as indigotine or FD&C Blue 2…
Idacol Quinoline Yellow WS
Quinoline YellowWS is a yellow food dye.It gives an…
Idacol Ponceau 4R
Ponceau 4R also known as Cochineal Red. Ponceau 4R is a red dye…
Idacol Sunset Yellow
Sunset Yellow FCF is a Orange dye. It gives an appearance of orange…
Idacol Tartrazine
Tartrazine is a lemon yellow dye primarily used as a food color . It gives an appearance of…
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