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Natural Food Colors for Seafood Products

Surimi seafood products have many challenges in mimicking the color of meat or shellfish and lobster, such as heat treatment, storage conditions, packaging types, and interactions with other foods. Among the various types, Surimi, referring to a paste made primarily from fish, is one of the most common fish products with color use. With in-depth research and experience, the Natracol range of natural food colors applies non-bleeding technology to provide customers with a wide range of color solutions with consistent performance in seafood applications.
Natracol Curcumin/ Turmeric/ Turmeric Oleoresins
Turmeric is extracted from the…
Natracol Annatto
Annatto is extracted from the seeds of the Bixaorellana L. shrub grown in South America…
Natracol Beta Carotene/ Carotenes
The Carotenes can be found in various edible vegetable…
Natracol Paprika
Paprika is extracted from the Red Pepper Capsicum annum L…
Natracol Beetroot
Beetroot Red is obtained by extracting the juice of Beetroots…
Natracol Apo Carotene
Apo-carotenal occurs naturally in various sources including…
Natracol Canthaxanthin
Canthaxanthin is a Catrotenoid naturally found in some fishes…
Natracol Carmine
Carmine contains the red pigment, CarminicAcid that presents excellent stability…
Natracol Caramel
Caramel is made by the controlled heating of food-grade carbohydrates…


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