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The baked goods industry is evolving at a fast rate, and so is ROHA. With Natracol, ROHA boasts a range of natural food color solutions that are industry benchmarks all around the globe. These solutions are stable even with varying levels of heat, pH, and lipids, making it easy to incorporate any pigment into any bakery applications such as cakes, muffins, cookies, crackers, etc. Trusted for its cutting-edge R&D, high-quality standards, and comprehensive support, ROHA provides reliable, cost-effective, and customized solutions to baked good manufacturers.
Natracol Curcumin/ Turmeric/ Turmeric Oleoresins
Turmeric is extracted from the…
Natracol Annatto
Annatto is extracted from the seeds of the Bixaorellana L. shrub grown in South America…
Natracol Beta Carotene/ Carotenes
The Carotenes can be found in various edible vegetable…
Natracol Apo Carotene
Apo-carotenal occurs naturally in various sources including…
Natracol Carmine
Carmine contains the red pigment, CarminicAcid that presents excellent stability…
Natracol Chlorophyll/ Copper Chlorophyllin
Chlorophyll (E140(i)) is an oil…
Natracol Caramel
Caramel is made by the controlled heating of food-grade carbohydrates…
Natracol Carbon Black
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine…

The new and innovative natural color delivery system for fat matrix: perfect dispersible, brightness and stability for an extensive range of solutions

Natracol Infusion Green
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine particles of carbonized vegetable material…
NatracoL Infusion Mint Green
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine particles of carbonized vegetable material…
NatracoL Infusion Lime Green
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine particles of carbonized vegetable material…
Natracol Infusion Yellow
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine particles of carbonized vegetable material…
Natracol Infusion Tortilla Brown
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine particles of carbonized vegetable material…
Natracol Infusion Coffee Brown
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine particles of carbonized vegetable material…
Natracol Infusion Ruby Red
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine particles of carbonized vegetable material…
Natracol Infusion Candy Red
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine particles of carbonized vegetable material…


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