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As the world is moving toward clean-label food products, Futurals by ROHA offers a broad range of clean-label juice or extracts sourced from fruits and vegetables to meet this requirement. Our ongoing commitment to innovation and continuous process development had enabled us to create a robust Futurals portfolio that is designed to provide clean-label, coloring foodstuff solutions to many prepared food applications. The prepared Foods category covers an extremely large portfolio of food applications with many challenges for product developers such as complex ingredient systems, packaging types that are not optimum for natural ingredients, harsh processes, and much more. With deep industry insights, deep market knowledge, and great research facilities, our expert team of scientists is well equipped to deliver the optimum solutions for food manufacturers.

Clean Label Food Colors for Sauces, Soups and Condiments

ROHA caters to food manufacturers of soups, sauces, and condiments around the globe. For soups, sauces, and condiments, the perfect color is an integral part of any culinary experience. ROHA manufactures a range of clean label food colors under the brand Futurals that can overcome the challenges of heat, pressure, pH, and ingredient interactions. For decades, ROHA has helped maintain visual uniformity, long shelf life, and a superior brand experience.

Clean Label Food Colors for Pasta and Noodles

To associate with flavors, make an appealing appearance or follow a trend, food colors are generally added to pasta and noodles. End-consumer cooking processes like steaming and baking can have a great influence on the ultimate color appearance of pasta and noodles. ROHA’s Futurals, a clean label range of food colors provides stable applications for all kinds of pasta and noodles. They effectively withstand Heat, pH, lipid interactions, migration, and interactions with other ingredients.

Clean Label Food Colors for Extruded Snacks and Cereal Applications

The constant challenge for food manufacturers is the lack of heat resistance of clean-label food colors in snacks and ready meals products. The expectations from extruded snacks and cereals are that they should survive harsh processing conditions and needs to be stable throughout the product life without getting their appearance changed. ROHA has created solutions to this key issue with a range of heat-resistant clean-label food colors under the brand Futurals, which function better in a wide range of extrusion processes. 

Clean Label Food Color Manufacturers for Dry Mixes & Seasonings

Dry mixes consist of diverse ingredients. Hence food colors have been added to dry mixes to make the appearance visually appealing and associate with the flavor. Flavor impact, pH, light and heat stability, and the reactions between ingredients and pigments are some of the primary challenges for colors in the dry mixes application. ROHA formulates a range of clean-label food colors under the Futurals brand to cater to the dry mixes category.

To enhance the visual appearance of seasonings (e.g. Herbs and spices); food colors play a vital role. Based on the conditions and final application matrices, such as topical applications and culinary seasonings, the color recommendation can vary depending on the process. ROHA’s Futurals range of diversified clean-label food colors delivers stable & visually appealing food color solutions for seasonings.

Clean Label Food Colors for Bakery products

Finding a broad range of clean-label food colors for bakery products such as cookies, muffins, cakes, crackles, etc. is a key challenge of the food industry. Making these food colors heat stable, consistent, and uniform in baked goods applications is again another obstacle. ROHA’s expert food color technicians have solutions to your problems for bakery product applications. ROHA’s Futurals offers a variety of raw materials to choose from, which means it can meet diverse labeling requirements across the food industry including coloring foodstuff needs.


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