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Soups, sauces, and condiments have always been appealing products for consumers. Here at ROHA, we provide a wide range of natural food colors that are stable, consistent, and uniform for the rest of the shelf life of these products. They improve the association with the target flavor and most importantly, they create a visual appeal. Natracol’s range of natural food colors is capable of meeting the processing challenges such as pressure, pH, heat, and interaction with other ingredients that can affect the performance of the color.
Natracol Curcumin/ Turmeric/ Turmeric Oleoresins
Turmeric is extracted from the…
Natracol Lutein
Lutein is extracted from Marigold flowers (Tageteserecta), grown abundantly throughout…
Natracol Annatto
Annatto is extracted from the seeds of the Bixaorellana L. shrub grown in South America…
Natracol Beta Carotene/ Carotenes
The Carotenes can be found in various edible vegetable…
Natracol Paprika
Paprika is extracted from the Red Pepper Capsicum annum L…
Natracol Beetroot
Beetroot Red is obtained by extracting the juice of Beetroots…
Natracol Apo Carotene
Apo-carotenal occurs naturally in various sources including…
Natracol Canthaxanthin
Canthaxanthin is a Catrotenoid naturally found in some fishes…
Natracol Carmine
Carmine contains the red pigment, CarminicAcid that presents excellent stability…
Natracol Chlorophyll/ Copper Chlorophyllin
Chlorophyll (E140(i)) is an oil…
Natracol Iron Oxide Brown Dispersion
Iron Oxides are pigments, ranging from black, yellow, red…
Natracol Titanium Dioxide
Titanium Dioxide is manufactured from the ores…
Natracol Riboflavin WSP
Riboflavin is bright yellow in color and in addition to being…
Natracol Carbon Black
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine…

The new and innovative natural color delivery system for fat matrix: perfect dispersible, brightness and stability for an extensive range of solutions

Natracol Infusion Yellow
CarboVegetabilis (or Carbon Black) is made from fine particles of carbonized vegetable material…
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